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***Why Join Skål International?*** This is the recorded session held last 29 September 2021, hosted by *Burcin Turkkan* (Senior Vice President & PR, C...
*The Özyeğin University School of Applied Sciences and Skål International Turkey National Committee organises the webinar ‘Changes in Talent Needs in ...
**Recorded webinar 'Is there a future of the cruise industry?' ** We share with you the recording of the webinar *'Is there a future for the cruise in...
***Why Join Skål International?*** This is the recorded session which was held last 29 September 2020, conducted by *Burcin Turkkan* (Director Members...
*Recognising the importance of vocational training in our Travel and Tourism industry, Skål International organised last 1 October 2020 a new webinar ...
*Skål International maintains its commitment to disseminate professional content in the Tourism sector with the new webinar of the Chapter Recovery Mo...
*Skål International continues with the webinar series Chapter Recovery Moment with the session, 'Restarting Aviation: How to Fly Safely Again', in col...
Skål International USA Executive Education Webinar Series* **A great opportunity to access to live conversations with industry leaders** We share wit...
**Webinar: Changing the Paradigm of Tourism in Africa: *To disrupter to disruptor.* * Presented by * Dawn Drew, Founder + CEO MOSTE Inc, and DawnDre...
*Skål International launches the new webinar series Chapter Recovery Moment with the session, 'How to adapt the hotel offer to the new scenario', in c...
*Carlos Garrido de la Cierva, President of CEAV (Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies), entity member of the World Travel Agents Associations Alli...
*Carina Bauer, CEO of IMEX Group, discussed good practices in leadership management with Daniela Otero, CEO of Skål International, answering questions...
*Mr. Nick Pilbeam, Director of Reed Exhibitions' Travel Division, was the guest speaker in a Q&A session that addressed problems, solutions and trends...
* M. Manuel Butler Halter, Directeur Exécutif de l'Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme des Nations Unies (OMT), a été l'orateur invité de ce premier web...
*Le secteur du Tourisme est et demeurera l'un des plus touchés par la crise sanitaire provoquée par le COVID-19, laquelle pourrait entraîner des perte...
*Les nouvelles technologies nous aident à minimiser l'impact et à rester connectés jusqu'à ce que la situation mondiale nous permette de revenir à u...